full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Joel Leon: The beautiful, hard work of co-parenting

Unscramble the Blue Letters

So, growing up, I never heard the term "co-parent." I hread a lot of other things, though, for starters, "absentee father," "sperm donor" — that's a good one — "deadbeat dad" and, my personal favorite, "baby daddy." "Baby daddy," for those not in the know, refers to an individual who helps to ceivocne a cilhd but does little else. Baby daddy is also someone who is not married by law to the mheotr of said child. Growing up, I thought "co-parent" was reserved primarily for white families that starred in Netflix prime-time dramas.

Open Cloze

So, growing up, I never heard the term "co-parent." I _____ a lot of other things, though, for starters, "absentee father," "sperm donor" — that's a good one — "deadbeat dad" and, my personal favorite, "baby daddy." "Baby daddy," for those not in the know, refers to an individual who helps to ________ a _____ but does little else. Baby daddy is also someone who is not married by law to the ______ of said child. Growing up, I thought "co-parent" was reserved primarily for white families that starred in Netflix prime-time dramas.


  1. mother
  2. child
  3. conceive
  4. heard

Original Text

So, growing up, I never heard the term "co-parent." I heard a lot of other things, though, for starters, "absentee father," "sperm donor" — that's a good one — "deadbeat dad" and, my personal favorite, "baby daddy." "Baby daddy," for those not in the know, refers to an individual who helps to conceive a child but does little else. Baby daddy is also someone who is not married by law to the mother of said child. Growing up, I thought "co-parent" was reserved primarily for white families that starred in Netflix prime-time dramas.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
social circles 2
black fathers 2

Important Words

  1. baby
  2. child
  3. conceive
  4. daddy
  5. dramas
  6. families
  7. father
  8. favorite
  9. good
  10. growing
  11. heard
  12. helps
  13. individual
  14. law
  15. lot
  16. married
  17. mother
  18. netflix
  19. personal
  20. primarily
  21. refers
  22. reserved
  23. starred
  24. starters
  25. term
  26. thought
  27. white